IMS August Retreat

Sunday, August 12, 2012

shapeimage_2-8It has been two years since I sat a regular retreat at IMS. During the ISPP year, I spent study retreats at the BCBS Farm House down the road, did two self retreats at home (see “Beagle Retreat” on the writing page) and discovered the deeper quiet of the Forest Refuge. Now I was back to sit with Steve Armstrong and Kamala Masters and 100 other new and old students of theirs. Continue reading

Middel Fork of the Salmon

Thursday, July 26, 2012

shapeimage_2-1There I am, sunning on some rocks, somewhere in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, writing in my travel journal as my wet clothes dry, watching the Middle Fork of the Salmon River flow by and by. Michael and I flew to Boise, and drove three hours into the mountains to arrive in the tiny town of Stanley, Idaho, nestled at the foot of the magnificent Sawtooth Mountain range. Continue reading

Sesshine at Chapin Mill

Sunday, June 17, 2012

shapeimage_2-10After hearing about sesshin at the Rochester Zen Center for 30 years, I finally went to one with Michael. What a wild ride! Michael and I drove up in two days, staying overnight in Cortland NY where we enjoyed a lovely dinner at an outside cafe.
When we arrived at Chapin MIll the next day, Michael loved showing me all his favorite spots. The country property is beautiful and the retreat center is open and spacious, yet compact and comfortable. Continue reading

90th Birthday Party

Sunday, May 27, 2012

shapeimage_2-9Family from all over the country gathered today at the Salt Creek Grill for a 90th Birthday party for my mom and dad. It was amazing that all the arrangements worked out: Susanne came from LA, Sarah, Jeff and the kids from Boston, Harold and Linda from Florida, Gary and Kathy and Roy from Florida, Michael and Isabelle from RI, other friends of my parents from RI and Stonebridge. Gil and my dad were comfortable in wheel chairs and the staff at the restaurant made the day flow smoothly. My mom was giddy with delight and everyone had a great time and enjoyed being together for the first time in many years. They also loved seeing the slide show of historic photos I put together for the occasion. I’m so thankful that everyone made it to and through the day healthy and happy. What an event!

Bird Watching in Cape May

Sunday, May 20, 2012

shapeimage_2-8Michael and I spent three glorious days in Cape May for the NJ Audubon Spring Migration weekend. The weather was perfect, not too hot with bright sun and blue skies. We stayed at the Angel of the Sea B&B again and enjoyed the overstuffed parlor, overstuffed breakfasts and sunny porches. All the guided birding walks were fantastic and we usually got completely overloaded after two hours of mindful seeing and hearing. Highlights included piping plovers with babies on the beach, indigo buntings in the fields, pine warblers in the trees and many more. I especially loved meeting NJ Audubon legend Pete Dunne. What a character! He said when you see a bird and can name it, then you own it. Yes, there is definitely a feeling of grasping in the seeing, when you are trying to get a good look at the bird and see it clearly enough that you can really identify it. We definitely have to get better optics! Too bad the weekend was clouded by Emily’s troubles with Henry. We tried to be as supportive as we could over the phone.

On My Own

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

shapeimage_2-5I had two more voice lessons with David back in February, after I got home from Barre. He was very positive and supportive. Each time I was there with him, I felt relaxed and comfortable and my voice felt good. Each time, he gave me new and different exercises, and I diligently practiced them at home, looking in the mirror to keep my throat muscles relaxed and expanded and the back of my neck long. Yikes, I tell my students the very same things, but it is so hard to be objective with your own mechanism! Continue reading

Dearest Thisbe

Sunday, March 11, 2012

shapeimage_2-7Dear Thisbe, our 14 1/2 year old beagle, died last night, or this morning. It was very peaceful, but very sad. She had been very sick for the past year or so, having little, and not so little seizures which sent us to the vet, Animerge, specialists in PA etc. Last July, she had a bad episode which left her with one leg paralyzed , and a terrific daily pill regime. Continue reading

Forest Refuge

Sunday, February 12, 2012

shapeimage_2-6I drove up to Barre on Sunday, Feb. 5, and cried the whole way. The night before, Lenore and I did our French concert at Stonebridge and it was a disaster. Ok, it probably wasn’t as bad as I thought, and I’m sure they enjoyed it, but when I warmed up before the concert, on my own with the new exercises, I could tell that things did not feel quite right. Continue reading

Second Voice Lesson

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

shapeimage_2-5It was great to be able to see David again so soon. I had listened to the CD of our first lesson, and transcribed all the vocalizes. I had been practicing the new exercises, and while they felt a bit strange to me on my own, when I was with David, miraculously, they felt good. This reminded me of what it felt like to work with George McKinley. When ever I was there with him, it was like magic, and my voice felt wonderful. Continue reading